Attestation / Authentication of educational certificates is mandatory for people who have planned to work or study or Migrate to any other country.Attestation of certificates confirms that a specified certificate had been issued by that preticular University and it also confirms that the seal and signature on that particular certificte is genuine. Legalisation or Authentication or Attestation of a certificate is a process, which has to be completed in on the Original Certificate or in rare cases on its copy for the use in Foreign Countries or within the Country. Attestation or authentication shows the true and accurate representation of the facts or the authenticity of a certificate. The general steps of attestation of Educational certificate is as given below:


Steps of Attestation:

Step 1: HRD Attestation (In most cases this step is preceded by the university verification of the submitted certificates ) / Notary Mantralay / SDM (Sub Divisional Megistrate)
Step 2: MEA Attestation / MEA Apostille attestation
Step 3: Corresponding Embassy attestation
Step 4: MOFA attestation

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